The following terms cover all instances of contract between TraderClicks and it's clients in the absence of more specific or otherwise overriding terms.
All invoices for progress payments or completion payments must be paid within 10 working days of invoice date.
In the case of late payments, a penalty fee of $25 or 5% of the invoice total, whichever is higher, may be added to the client's account.
If the invoice isn't paid within 20 working days of invoice date the debt may be passed on to a debt collection agency. Any collection fees will be for the account of the client.
If the client believes there may be issues paying any invoice, the client is required to contact their Trader Clicks account manager before the invoice is due as it may be possible to make alternative payment arrangements without incurring penalties.
Once a client has paid a deposit and agreed to project terms and conditions, they are legally obligated to paying the full amount to complete the initial setup of any project they have commissioned Trader Clicks to undertake.
Management & Support plans or Marketing Support plans can be cancelled in writing or by email from the client for any reason at any time. However, any outstanding invoices must still be paid and any billable work that has been undertaken at the point of cancellation must be paid for.
Trader Clicks reserves the right to withdraw from an offer of contract after a deposit has been paid. In this case the deposit will be refunded.
Trader Clicks reserves the right to withdraw from fulfilling their contractual responsibilities if the client misses any progress payments or any other invoice payments.
Management and Support plans or Marketing Support plans that have been paid in advance are not refunded upon cancellation by client.
Trader Clicks reserves the right to withhold any Management and Support services or Marketing Support services in the event of the client missing payments for invoices of any nature. In extreme situations this may even include the switching off of client websites.
Trader Clicks reserves the right to terminate or change the terms of Management & Support plans or Marketing Support plans with a minimum of four weeks notice.
Our clients' sites often rank at the top of search engines results pages (such as Google search result pages), however we make no guarantees that this outcome will happen in every case.
Under no circumstances is Trader Clicks legally or financially responsible for any intended or unintended effects on a client's business, or any other individual or business, deriving from any website work, web marketing work, service or any other work that is undertaken by Trader Clicks on our clients' behalf.
Trader Clicks uses reliable and fast third-party servers & services to host our clients' sites and other online activities. However, no guarantees are offered regarding available service time for website serving time or any other service delivery including, but not limited to, email addresses and newsletter marketing. Trader Clicks is not liable for any losses experienced by our clients or any other individual or business should any of these services be offline or malfunctioning in any way for any period of time.
Trader Clicks takes care with its clients' website, newsletter, email, advertising and other types of content, but at no time is Trader Clicks responsible for client content. This means Trader Clicks cannot take responsibility for:
Trader Clicks is a brand of Mount Victoria Trading Limited (2211320).